Rasmus Nilausen (DK/ESP) + Bernd Oppl (AT)
Saturday the 8th of October 2022 - 13:00 - 17:00
Exhibition dates
8.10.22 -

Rasmus Nilausen (DK/ESP) + Bernd Oppl (AT)
Saturday the 8th of October 2022
13.00 - 17.00
A whirring motor flickers a recognisable floral-like image, but one that never blooms, signifying instead a possible death of data. One must get uncomfortably close and be aware of their own footwork, and slow down to interpret the visual opera of Bernd Oppl’s work, which is bolstered by three large paintings of Rasmus Nilausen, placed like interloping folders that partially block themselves from full view as if on a screen, and again the footwork and precision of care to see is what is required of the onlooker. Find your place, move a little, you can see & sense what you want inside of the packed room, reminded of the fanciful idea of the entry to the mind through the eyes and ears.
The moon blurs through the window as my eyes pace and measure out the room, that room I have walked before, knowing every centimetre, but the infusion of Bernd and Rasmus blaze a new light, a focus on the details, a close-up of a struggle to find coherence, but it's a lucid map to find a way to clarity.
After five years of Stereo Exchange, the room finds its own clarity and nudges the latest artists through its past, present and future fooling us all into what it wants, like a monstrous sand worm creature, the fear subsides as the beast finally died and let the works live in a harmony, now the sacrifice is ready to show itself and for others to experience.
Welcome, this Saturday.
· · Rasmus Nilausen (DK/ESP) + Bernd Oppl (AT)
· · OPENING Saturday the 8th of October 13:00 - 17:00
· · ON VIEW From the 8th of October 2022 until the 12th of November 2022
· · OPEN Saturdays between 13 to 16
· · Contact @stereoexchangecph or youandme@stereoexchange.dk for an appointment.
· · Mariendalsvej 52A, st.th, 2000 Frederiksberg, DK. See map
Supported by: The Danish Arts Foundation - Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond af 1968 & Fredriksberg Fonden, Ny Carlsbergfond