Utopia Exists, But Now It's Over

Owen Paul Armour (AUS/DK)

Opened Wednesday 29th of MAY 2024

Art Matter Festival 2024

Exhibition dates
29.05.24 - 28.06.24

At the Art Matter Festival 2024, Stereo Exchange will present an exhibition and open studio of the artist and its artistic director Owen Paul Armour, with new works produced from his transformative residency and exhibition at MMCA Korea 2023, supported by the Danish Arts Foundation.

Experience Armour’s pieces, "While Standing Up 'Utopia Exists but Now It's Over'" / "While Laying Down 'We Bury What We Steal'," where the ancestral echoes of Neanderthals converge with the modern human. Armour crafts a narrative in mediums that bridge epochs, weaving empathy and despair into tools and weapons, reflecting on current and historical neurodiversity and the fluidity of attention spans against the tapestry of his own life.

The diptych "Confucianism Implies I Talk Too Much" channels stark contrasts which are inspired by the phrase "Cheer up Korea! Have a nice day." Emblazoned on the paper cups at the water cooler in Leeum Museum lobby, this ordinary phrase offering words of encouragement, are recast to confront complacency, merging optimism with the gravity of existence and ways of dealing with internal battles externally.

These compelling works, alongside new sculptural and acoustic installations conceived post-Korea, prove to reveal the deep impact of Owen Paul Armour’s South Korean experiences on his art and life.

The Artist would like to thank:
Park Heejung, Hamin Kim, Toke Martins, Anne Kølbæk Iversen, Kevin Malcolm, Sora Kim, Frederik Hardvendel, Yoonseo Kim, Heejoo Hong, Miru Kim, Ida Schyum , Mads Bartholin Herred Johnsen & kristine tillge lund.

This exhibition & residency has been supported by:
Statens Kunstfond / The Danish Arts Foundation
MMCA Korea (National Museum of modern & contemporary art)
Statens Vaerksteder for Kunst
Ceramic Creative Center (Korea)
Art Matter Festival


I forbindelse med Art Matter Festival 2024 vil Stereo Exchange præsentere en udstilling og open studio med stedets kunstneriske og kuratoriske leder Owen Paul Armour. Udstillingen viser nye værker, der er produceret som følge af Armours transformative residency og udstilling på MMCA Korea 2023, støttet af Statens Kunstfond.

Kom forbi og oplev Armours værker While Standing Up ‘Utopia Exists but Now it’s Over’  / While Laying Down ‘We Bury What We Steal’, hvor neandertaleres forfædrende ekkoer smelter sammen med det moderne menneske. Armour former en fortælling i medier, der danner bro over epoker, og væver empati og desperation ind i værktøjer og våben, der reflekterer over neurodiversitet såvel aktuelt som historisk og koncentrationsevnens flydende kvalitet med hans eget liv som bagtæppe.

Ditykonet Confucianism Implies I Talk Too Much kanaliserer stærke kontraster inspireret af udtrykket “Cheer up Korea! Have a nice day.” Denne almindelige vending, påtrykt papirkopperne ved vandkøleren i lobbyen på Leeum Museum som en opmuntring, er i værket omformet til i stedet at konfrontere selvtilfredsheden, idet værket blander optimisme med eksistensens alvor og måder at håndtere interne kampe eksternt.   

Disse stærke værker - vist sammen med nye skulpturelle og akustiske installationer, der er udformet efter opholdet i Korea, viser det dybe indtryk oplevelserne i Sydkorea har haft på Owen Paul Armours kunst og liv.

WHAT- Utopia Exists but Now It's Over
WHO -  Owen Paul Armour (AUS/DK)
OPENING - 29th of MAY 2024
TIME - 16:00 - 18:00
ON VIEW - 29th of MAY 2024 until the 28th of June 2024
OPEN - Saturdays 13 to 16 or by appointment
CONTACT - @stereoexchangecph or youandme@stereoexchange.dk
WHERE - Mariendalsvej 52A, st.th, 2000 Frederiksberg, DK. See map


Supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, Frederiksberg Fonden & Ny Carlsbergfondets