Nikolaj Phillipsen (DK)
Through motifs drawn from botanical illustrations, historical depictions of bodily processes, and contemporary everyday tools, carved into casting plywood boards, a visual vocabulary is created to explore how our cognitive abilities and body are shaped through subtle processes and extensions into a world beyond ourselves. A world of objects, tools, plants, and microorganisms..

WHO - Nikolaj Phillipsen (DK)
TIME - 16:00 - 18:00
OPEN - Saturdays 13 to 16 or by appointment
CONTACT - @stereoexchangecph or
WHERE - kl1, Vester Voldgade 110, 1552 København, See map
WHERE - kl1, Vester Voldgade 110, 1552 København, See map
Supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, Frederiksberg Fonden & Ny Carlsbergfondets
STEREO EXCHANGE - kl1, Vester Voldgade 110, 1552 København,See map
STEREO EXCHANGE - kl1, Vester Voldgade 110, 1552 København,See map