Nao Matsunaga (JP) + Melodie Mousset (FR)
Opening 26th of June 2020
Exhibition dates
26.06.20 - 3.08.20

Photos by Kevin Malcom
This exhibitionran throughout the summer of 2020. Due to the Covid19 pandemic, our opening hours and dates were curtailed.
Besides a simple introduction, we can just begin from our pertinent reality, the one that stands afoot our movements and thoughts. We all are travelling over hills and valleys, as we look up at the sun, it doesn’t seem to always glow yellow and in fact, it doesn’t glow. It’s her deep seed that is a’swim in its centre and has no remorse for its outer crust as it bounces like a game of breakout, smashing through barriers and uncreating inane narratives.
We collectively hear the rumblings of a battle. We melt, we materialize and we assemble, showing the power that we will drench it with the energy of our internal suns.
As we leap back into the program, we present a show which has been in the works since Stereo Exchange's inception, with pieces by Nao Matsunaga and Melodie Mousset, so whisper to the objects, push through a virtual world and see what answers you can find within the fragility that sits upon hard surfaces and the scene of entanglement and complication.
Supported by: The Danish Arts Foundation - Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond af 1968 & Fredriksberg Fonden.